Catador Itinerante is the first independent bottler dedicated exclusively to world whiskies.
Catador Itinerante is the first independent bottler dedicated exclusively to world whiskies.

With the first two single cask limited editions from Austria, we launch a new whisky collection that will grow and showcase how whisky is produced around the world.
These new distilleries are taking bold steps—several becoming the first whisky distilleries in their countries, bringing a rich cultural diversity, terroir and new flavors to explore.
With the first two single cask limited editions from Austria, we launch a new whisky collection that will grow and showcase how whisky is produced around the world.
These new distilleries are taking bold steps—several becoming the first whisky distilleries in their countries, bringing a rich cultural diversity, terroir and new flavors to explore.

“Supuestamente entendiendo al whisky”
“Supuestamente entendiendo al whisky”
“Supuestamente entendiendo al whisky” (supposedly understanding whisky) is the first book in a trilogy by Catador Itinerante covering the five domains of whisky: science, art, people, places and stories behind a magic beverage.
“Supuestamente entendiendo al whisky” (supposedly understanding whisky) is the first book in a trilogy by Catador Itinerante covering the five domains of whisky: science, art, people, places and stories behind a magic beverage.

Nocturno en whisky
Nocturno en whisky
Nocturno en whisky is a live radio whisky podcast in Spanish. A calm space around midnight, this podcast is also an excuse to drink whisky with friends, industry key players, artists, specialists and more.
Nocturno en whisky is a live radio whisky podcast in Spanish. A calm space around midnight, this podcast is also an excuse to drink whisky with friends, industry key players, artists, specialists and more.

Catador Itinerante is born in 2019 as a project by Pablo Goldbarg to bottle world whiskies and the need to write a blog about whisky, in Spanish. In the midst of the pandemic, “Nocturno en whisky” joins the creative project — a live podcast about whisky, society, and culture with industry guests, friends and experts in other areas.
In 2023, Catador Itinerante tours Europe in search of whisky casks from distilleries without a strong presence in the U.S. With 50 podcast episodes produced, more than a hundred blog articles and a transformative trip, Catador Itinerante becomes a whisky brand and a pen name.
“Supuestamente entendiendo al whisky” (supposedly understanding whisky) is a book about whisky, originally written in Spanish, focus in what Catador Itinerante calls the five domains of whisky: science, art, people, places and stories behind a magic beverage.
In 2024 Catador Itinerante launches the two first editions of independently bottled world whisky, and a book tour around Latin America and the U.S.
Catador Itinerante is born in 2019 as a project by Pablo Goldbarg to bottle world whiskies and the need to write a blog about whisky, in Spanish. In the midst of the pandemic, “Nocturno en whisky” joins the creative project — a live podcast about whisky, society, and culture with industry guests, friends and experts in other areas.
In 2023, Catador Itinerante tours Europe in search of whisky casks from distilleries without a strong presence in the U.S. With 50 podcast episodes produced, more than a hundred blog articles and a transformative trip, Catador Itinerante becomes a whisky brand and a pen name.
“Supuestamente entendiendo al whisky” (supposedly understanding whisky) is a book about whisky, originally written in Spanish, focus in what Catador Itinerante calls the five domains of whisky: science, art, people, places and stories behind a magic beverage.
In 2024 Catador Itinerante launches the two first editions of independently bottled world whisky, and a book tour around Latin America and the U.S.

Rampur’s New Cask Finishes, Crown Royal 12 Year Old & More [New Releases] (Whisky Advocate, November 2024)
El whisky como guía del Catador Itinerante (Diario La Nación, March 2024)
Bottler. Author. Creator. (Newsletter, March 2024)
Rampur’s New Cask Finishes, Crown Royal 12 Year Old & More [New Releases] (Whisky Advocate, November 2024)
El whisky como guía del Catador Itinerante (Diario La Nación, March 2024)
Bottler. Author. Creator. (Newsletter, March 2024)